Note that win rate is calculated for non-mirror games only.
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Champion | Popularity | Win Rate |
Aatrox | 0.94% | 39.15% |
Ahri | 8.41% | 47.79% |
Akali | 2.42% | 38.33% |
Alistar | 10.53% | 58.29% |
Amumu | 7.38% | 55.26% |
Anivia | 5.68% | 45.73% |
Annie | 7.92% | 47.64% |
Ashe | 13.86% | 49.70% |
Azir | 10.32% | 42.58% |
Bard | 9.53% | 34.41% |
Blitzcrank | 25.58% | 48.29% |
Brand | 15.31% | 53.69% |
Braum | 3.87% | 49.17% |
Caitlyn | 12.00% | 51.49% |
Cassiopeia | 2.17% | 47.34% |
Cho'Gath | 7.80% | 45.76% |
Corki | 2.43% | 43.62% |
Darius | 11.36% | 51.83% |
Diana | 2.69% | 49.28% |
Draven | 2.82% | 50.23% |
Dr. Mundo | 11.00% | 56.51% |
Ekko | 9.88% | 44.07% |
Elise | 0.68% | 44.60% |
Evelynn | 0.41% | 40.59% |
Ezreal | 28.83% | 48.35% |
Fiddlesticks | 9.06% | 53.60% |
Fiora | 2.52% | 47.17% |
Fizz | 7.60% | 46.56% |
Galio | 7.67% | 62.83% |
Gangplank | 8.74% | 53.31% |
Garen | 14.82% | 56.18% |
Gnar | 13.58% | 48.53% |
Gragas | 2.77% | 42.36% |
Graves | 4.95% | 51.52% |
Hecarim | 2.10% | 45.36% |
Heimerdinger | 10.56% | 60.36% |
Illaoi | 21.06% | 55.87% |
Irelia | 1.80% | 48.34% |
Janna | 4.25% | 56.52% |
Jarvan IV | 5.64% | 46.41% |
Jax | 4.46% | 44.46% |
Jayce | 6.99% | 47.30% |
Jinx | 20.65% | 50.85% |
Kalista | 9.35% | 44.30% |
Karma | 5.61% | 50.71% |
Karthus | 12.49% | 50.63% |
Kassadin | 2.85% | 42.84% |
Katarina | 16.89% | 49.22% |
Kayle | 2.71% | 45.59% |
Kennen | 3.62% | 42.16% |
Kha'Zix | 1.45% | 37.37% |
Kindred | 6.58% | 41.91% |
Kog'Maw | 9.07% | 57.05% |
LeBlanc | 6.75% | 37.91% |
Lee Sin | 7.05% | 38.08% |
Leona | 6.82% | 54.43% |
Lissandra | 2.34% | 45.86% |
Lucian | 9.25% | 48.62% |
Lulu | 5.45% | 43.03% |
Lux | 35.75% | 56.37% |
Malphite | 13.17% | 48.32% |
Malzahar | 8.29% | 55.21% |
Maokai | 3.55% | 58.03% |
Master Yi | 8.98% | 48.91% |
Miss Fortune | 37.12% | 55.76% |
Mordekaiser | 1.68% | 48.42% |
Morgana | 12.23% | 51.17% |
Nami | 3.78% | 49.23% |
Nasus | 3.29% | 48.31% |
Nautilus | 7.34% | 57.81% |
Nidalee | 14.90% | 38.98% |
Nocturne | 0.45% | 40.43% |
Nunu | 2.33% | 40.25% |
Olaf | 3.96% | 48.08% |
Orianna | 9.06% | 43.90% |
Pantheon | 3.03% | 45.96% |
Poppy | 34.57% | 43.81% |
Quinn | 2.64% | 43.84% |
Rammus | 3.40% | 58.45% |
Rek'Sai | 0.59% | 40.32% |
Renekton | 2.38% | 48.00% |
Rengar | 2.99% | 39.10% |
Riven | 6.06% | 41.69% |
Rumble | 2.63% | 43.29% |
Ryze | 2.93% | 44.55% |
Sejuani | 5.07% | 51.43% |
Shaco | 7.59% | 45.83% |
Shen | 2.65% | 52.08% |
Shyvana | 1.26% | 43.65% |
Singed | 5.19% | 54.27% |
Sion | 6.85% | 62.60% |
Sivir | 5.32% | 49.88% |
Skarner | 3.24% | 51.31% |
Sona | 19.69% | 61.00% |
Soraka | 10.09% | 44.29% |
Swain | 3.75% | 56.97% |
Syndra | 8.00% | 41.85% |
Tahm Kench | 7.39% | 47.10% |
Talon | 5.35% | 55.41% |
Taric | 2.54% | 63.78% |
Teemo | 20.85% | 58.54% |
Thresh | 7.37% | 42.64% |
Tristana | 10.85% | 45.52% |
Trundle | 2.23% | 60.21% |
Tryndamere | 2.09% | 42.18% |
Twisted Fate | 9.91% | 46.72% |
Twitch | 3.59% | 46.88% |
Udyr | 0.81% | 44.30% |
Urgot | 0.94% | 47.44% |
Varus | 15.13% | 53.00% |
Vayne | 9.09% | 48.50% |
Veigar | 15.17% | 48.04% |
Vel'Koz | 9.94% | 53.13% |
Vi | 1.47% | 47.36% |
Viktor | 4.48% | 47.22% |
Vladimir | 5.95% | 60.08% |
Volibear | 3.40% | 52.53% |
Warwick | 1.44% | 50.11% |
Wukong | 7.84% | 54.20% |
Xerath | 7.08% | 48.71% |
Xin Zhao | 2.36% | 46.80% |
Yasuo | 20.86% | 46.50% |
Yorick | 1.10% | 54.86% |
Zac | 8.04% | 44.31% |
Zed | 10.74% | 43.13% |
Ziggs | 14.60% | 58.31% |
Zilean | 5.52% | 48.79% |
Zyra | 4.80% | 57.66% |
Some other intersting tidbits:
- Overall, blue side won about 54.5% of the time.
- Out of a sample of 12179 Katarina games on record, she had at least one pentakill in 563 of them - a pentakill rate of 4.6% per game for the Katarina player. This is followed by Master Yi at 3.3% and Darius at 1.4%. On Summoners' Rift, Katarina and Master Yi usually have around 1-1.5% pentakill per game.
- The mean and median game length are 21.4 and 20.6 minutes respectively. The longest game on my record is 78 minutes; the shortest is 7 minutes.
See last year's statistics here.