- Allow your teammates to carry you. You are playing to win, not to be a big shot who carries every game. In fact, you probably cannot carry every game unless you are smurfing. If you are 1-9 but your teammates are all 9-1, don't bitch about your score - just stay safe, relax, listen to calls, and let your teammates win the game for you.
- When your teammates are throwing, remember your opponents can be just as likely to counterthrow. The matchmaking algorithm dictates that your teammates and your opponents have similar skill level. If your teammate is throwing, your opponents can throw too. Until the nexus falls you can always seize the opportunity to win.
- Don't question bad plays. Remember your teammates also want to win - they are not intentionally feeding your opponents as an attempt to make your life harder. When they make bad plays, they already feel bad themselves, so there is no need for you to spray salt onto their wounds. I recommend you say absolutely nothing about it and keep your mouth shut. You are here to win the game, not to belittle some random person on the internet who made an honest mistake.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
How to raise division/MMR without playing better
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
URF mode win rates
I collected over 200k URF mode games during the ~2 days so far. These games are so popular and go so fast that it was extremely easy to get these data.
Here's the win rates on URF mode per champion, from the highest to lowest. I am sure a lot of these numbers are no surprises to you.
Champion | Win Rate | Popularity |
Sona | 77.973% | 21.151% |
Soraka | 66.283% | 18.427% |
Hecarim | 62.403% | 16.908% |
Kayle | 61.177% | 13.126% |
Nami | 59.342% | 7.727% |
Nidalee | 58.921% | 39.039% |
Alistar | 58.744% | 18.688% |
Galio | 58.528% | 2.968% |
MonkeyKing | 55.568% | 12.385% |
Janna | 55.261% | 6.522% |
Skarner | 55.069% | 5.482% |
Karma | 55.058% | 9.888% |
Morgana | 55.024% | 9.774% |
Ezreal | 54.839% | 35.902% |
Fizz | 53.871% | 16.277% |
Malzahar | 53.767% | 5.810% |
Sivir | 53.577% | 7.949% |
Shen | 53.576% | 6.013% |
Jayce | 53.175% | 13.668% |
Orianna | 53.061% | 5.160% |
Sion | 52.787% | 6.384% |
Talon | 52.293% | 6.319% |
Taric | 52.058% | 4.835% |
Lulu | 51.810% | 11.946% |
MasterYi | 51.769% | 20.481% |
Swain | 51.630% | 8.759% |
XinZhao | 51.488% | 5.586% |
Sejuani | 51.263% | 1.605% |
Karthus | 51.110% | 12.528% |
Lucian | 50.875% | 8.343% |
Fiora | 50.870% | 6.080% |
Maokai | 50.839% | 9.645% |
Poppy | 50.818% | 6.219% |
Leona | 50.811% | 8.123% |
Yorick | 50.729% | 5.637% |
Evelynn | 50.482% | 9.004% |
Ziggs | 50.480% | 18.999% |
Brand | 50.285% | 7.982% |
Jax | 50.040% | 8.617% |
Lux | 49.823% | 30.431% |
Warwick | 49.810% | 6.070% |
KogMaw | 49.747% | 7.268% |
Zyra | 49.690% | 8.459% |
Syndra | 49.580% | 7.202% |
TwistedFate | 49.507% | 7.539% |
Nautilus | 49.506% | 2.396% |
Ashe | 49.463% | 15.728% |
Draven | 49.253% | 6.611% |
Veigar | 49.153% | 12.286% |
Urgot | 48.893% | 9.095% |
Graves | 48.872% | 2.427% |
Katarina | 48.621% | 14.914% |
Malphite | 48.464% | 7.278% |
Zed | 48.409% | 19.374% |
Rengar | 48.174% | 8.020% |
Ahri | 48.088% | 16.980% |
Heimerdinger | 48.083% | 9.833% |
Blitzcrank | 48.082% | 17.546% |
Amumu | 47.988% | 4.624% |
Shaco | 47.948% | 13.161% |
Twitch | 47.941% | 3.448% |
Nasus | 47.845% | 11.352% |
Annie | 47.748% | 8.589% |
Kennen | 47.497% | 3.239% |
Teemo | 47.492% | 20.477% |
Diana | 47.423% | 3.677% |
Riven | 47.309% | 12.731% |
FiddleSticks | 47.149% | 9.802% |
Vladimir | 47.104% | 5.942% |
JarvanIV | 47.040% | 2.755% |
MissFortune | 46.900% | 3.399% |
Viktor | 46.785% | 2.632% |
Darius | 46.598% | 6.092% |
Caitlyn | 46.452% | 7.153% |
Quinn | 46.298% | 1.904% |
Lissandra | 46.197% | 2.830% |
Akali | 46.058% | 9.591% |
Varus | 46.014% | 11.778% |
Gangplank | 45.746% | 13.274% |
Irelia | 45.513% | 2.021% |
Mordekaiser | 45.410% | 3.126% |
Renekton | 45.308% | 2.916% |
Chogath | 45.209% | 5.448% |
Gragas | 45.082% | 8.540% |
Tristana | 45.026% | 7.058% |
Jinx | 44.737% | 12.420% |
Tryndamere | 44.663% | 8.045% |
Velkoz | 44.556% | 10.165% |
Rammus | 44.450% | 3.086% |
Xerath | 44.342% | 5.096% |
Khazix | 44.295% | 9.595% |
Volibear | 44.294% | 2.148% |
DrMundo | 43.983% | 5.327% |
Singed | 43.957% | 4.048% |
Vi | 43.925% | 3.543% |
Pantheon | 43.391% | 9.234% |
Nocturne | 42.896% | 4.339% |
Leblanc | 42.850% | 17.175% |
Zilean | 42.673% | 7.370% |
Vayne | 42.210% | 7.817% |
Trundle | 42.072% | 1.610% |
Corki | 41.884% | 2.354% |
Shyvana | 41.317% | 1.527% |
Udyr | 41.008% | 3.867% |
Cassiopeia | 40.961% | 3.290% |
Nunu | 40.561% | 4.709% |
Olaf | 40.262% | 2.297% |
Garen | 40.187% | 4.435% |
Zac | 40.058% | 1.041% |
Elise | 38.946% | 1.568% |
Anivia | 38.353% | 3.612% |
LeeSin | 38.294% | 9.646% |
Aatrox | 37.822% | 1.298% |
Rumble | 36.821% | 0.876% |
Thresh | 36.243% | 5.305% |
Yasuo | 33.686% | 6.165% |
What I do NOT find surprising:
- Nidalee, Soraka, Sona, Jayce, Helicopter-Pony win like crazy.
- Yasuo, Rumble, Cassiopeia suck, since they gain very little from the 80% CDR.
- Lux is mediocre. Her R spam is decent, but no match for the sustain from some of the better champions.
What I DO find surprising:
- Galio wins like crazy. This is probably due to his W spam and his MR scaling against a meta that is almost all magic damage poke.
- Nami wins like crazy. Not quite sure what happened here, especially if you consider the fact that her E is not too useful and does not scale well with CDR. Perhaps due to a combination of sustain from her W and her damage/CC from Q + R.
- LeBlanc is played often, but she isn't too good. Despite what Riot said during the TSM vs C9 match, you cannot perm root someone with her E spam.
- Unfortuantely, ban rates are not available. I do suspect Nidalee and Sona are actually banned quite a bit. When Nidalee gets picked, for example, around 1/3 of the games will have Nidalees on both sides.
- Win rates are calculated only in games which the champion in question is played on one side. This makes sure an overwhelmingly popular champion does not have close to 50% win rate.
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